Nano Trucks

You are looking at a nano-truck, about the width of a single strand of DNA.  Well, actually, this is someone's rendition of one because you can't actually see it.  That would be silly.  Nonetheless, it's amazing, and something I hadn't heard of before.  Imagine the size of the tweezers used to place these few atoms and molecules together.  This probably took a while to achieve. Then, again, as fast as technology progresses, perhaps this little wonder was created overnight, while we were sleeping.  But, no, that can't be, because...

There's more than one.

There is an entire nano-transportation world out there -- trucks, taxis, limos, jeeps, 4-wheel drive, AWD, Nano-Uber -- if only we could see it, which we can't.  And they race them on nano-race tracks. Sorry no dimensions on the size of the track, but I'm sure its circular and about a nano-mile in circumference because there are no nano-towns to run a Grand Prix through.  But who knows what tomorrow brings.  Things move fast around here, and once we have nano-towns, what's next?  Nano-people to populate them and cheer the drivers on?  Sounds logical.  So, move over, the world is crowded and soon will be more so.  And look where you're walking!

But not all is pleasant in Nanoville.  Scientists are perplexed.

It seems this particular nano-wonder's chassis doesn't pass specs.  Tests show it is easier to snap its chassis in two than to pull a wheel off its axle.  This is what has scientists perplexed.  They think it should be easier to pull a tire off its axle.  Silly me wonders if the problem might not be that this isn't a real truck but rather a couple of atoms and molecules pasted together to look like one.  But I'm not a scientist, which means I'm not a deep thinker, so what do I know.  Chemists right now are probably looking into the problem -- which is to say, thinking deeply -- measuring electrovalances, molecular bondings, and other such deep thinking stuff, and before too long they'll have peeled away the layers of the mystery to reveal the secrets of the cosmos.  Then what?  I guess we can all pack our bags and go home.

I'm waiting for them to invent the nano-microbe that can be injected into the bloodstream, travel to the source of the problem, and eat all the cancer cells.  Perhaps it's the nano-truck that will drive them there?


  1. sci fi writers are already there, as, historically, they have been before, re rockets, a-bombs, etc.; Reynolds "Revelation Space" series is a good preparation for the coming civilization... well, maybe, unless things continue to go south, politically...

  2. I was long an SF fan, and I belong to an SF discussion group to this day, but I admit I've fallen out of love with it and have moved on to fantasy. I find the best storytelling to be in that genre. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I don't find the SF of today nearly as wondrous and thoughtful as, say, in the late Golden Age of SF when I could read SF like Le Guin's "The Dispossessed." But I'll look up Reynold's series and give in a try. I'm assuming you mean Alastair Reynolds?

    1. yes; i'm 74 and i read the whole series with a lot of enjoyment; but i also tried a couple of his other books and didn't think much of them.... funny how that works; especially recently, i've had several experiences of reading authors who sometimes produce readable work and sometimes produce very juvenile stuff... maybe it's all about the money...

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