In the News

My personal favorite.  Finally, a website that clearly demonstrates the usefulness of correlation graphs.  Enjoy.

The problem with Priming Studies.  These studies make the news, but attempts to replicate often fail, which doesn't make the news.  Only 6 of 53 landmark cancer studies could be replicated.  What does this say about science and the "university-professional association-academic publication-research grant" industry?

It says this.  Perhaps universities, academic publications, and professional associations are to close to one another and scratching one another's backs.  Where does the contrarian scientist with a great hypothesis go to get grant money and publish his findings?

History and science continue to remind us that we have nothing over the Ancients.  Here's a 2,000 year old "computer" that predicted astronomical events, including eclipses.

What the Rwanda genocide tells us about mob mentality.  Local conditions matter most and marriage and employment play a big role.  But Follow-the-Leader matters too.  Does this tell us anything we don't already know?

The World Fraternity of Knights of the Giant Omelette -- Yes, there's an association for everything -- cooks giant 10,000 egg omelette using contaminated eggs ... on purpose. 

Scientific observations of eclipses that went bad.


  1. if the universe had a face, would it be smiling at the primitive denizens of this small blue planet on the edge of the Milky Way?...


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