Science News Trivia

Warning!  Don't condition your hair after a nuclear attack. This one goes right along side the Internal Revenue procedures for collecting taxes after a nuclear attack.  I don't want to be that tax collector.

And here's a short NYT article on the IRS procedures to collect post-apocalyptic taxes.  ''Operations will be concentrated on collecting the taxes which will produce the greater revenue yield.''  Yield? That could be the all time example of double entendre.  Like I said, I don't want to be that tax collector.

Sneeze Trivia -- Did you know we can sneeze up to 10 miles an hour?  That our brain stem contains a sneeze command and control center?  That when we sneeze our body contracts from esophagus to sphincter?  Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?  This and more just a click away.

Scientists report isolating the gene that produces large plump tomatoes.  How about rediscovering the gene that puts taste back into the tomato?  You know the gene I'm talking about, the one you all seem to have lost while playing around with all the other tomato genes.  That's the gene we need.  Put it back, dammit.  And, no, I didn't bother with a link. Who wants to read about a gene that makes plump, tasteless tomatoes?

The increasing need for pubic hair grooming guidelines.  Injuries abound, and because people feel uncomfortable talking about their pubic hair grooming practices there may be more injuries than the study indicates.  It's an epidemic!!!


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