My Cat and the Mirror Con't.

Update:  My cat remains intrigued by the body-length mirror I placed at the top of the stairway.  Now when I'm going downstairs he races past me to stand in front of the mirror and watch me descend the stairs.  He's no longer freaked by my being in two places at the same time; he takes it as a given.  I've also caught him looking at it from different angles.  He looks like he's figuring out how much territory he can peruse by changing his angle of view.  I'm waiting for the day I catch him cleaning himself by looking in the mirror.


  1. I wonder what he does with that mirror when you aren't around.

  2. what an idea! boggles the brain...

  3. Thanks for this post Queader! Now I've got to get on and implement more thank you..

    gclub online


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