Bubbly Math Professor

I'm taking an online calculus course from Coursera, and the instructor, Professor Jim Fowler from Ohio State University, is something to behold.  It's pleasant to meet someone who loves what he does, and Fowler is someone who loves math and teaching math.  Energetic, effervescent, and animated -- he jumps around a lot --you can't take your eyes off him.  If calculus is the subject, Fowler is the show, and maybe after watching his videos you will like math too.  I encourage you to bop over to coursera and watch a video or two of his.  Most are short, between 5 and 10 minutes, so it won't take long.  The course name is "Calculus One" with the subheading "The Ohio State University."  I believe you will have to sign up with Coursera and enroll in the course, but it's free (as long as you don't check the certificate box), and you can drop the course immediately after viewing the videos without penalty.  But I'm wagering many of you will want to stick around if for no other reason than to watch Fowler.  He also teaches a course on Convergence, and watching a couple of those videos are just as good.

PS: Coursera also offers an excellent course on Relativity (Frames of Reference, Time Dilation, Length Contraction, etc) with little math involved.  The name of  that courses is "Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity" from Stanford University.

PSS:  Coursera link: coursera.com


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