Nuclear Football Fumble

This from Axios
When the U.S. military aide carrying the nuclear football entered the Great Hall, Chinese security officials blocked his entry. (The official who carries the nuclear football is supposed to stay close to the president at all times, along with a doctor.)
A U.S. official hurried into the adjoining room and told Kelly what was happening. Kelly rushed over and told the U.S. officials to keep walking — "We're moving in," he said — and the Americans all started moving.
Then there was a commotion. A Chinese security official grabbed Kelly, and Kelly shoved the man’s hand off of his body. Then a U.S. Secret Service agent grabbed the Chinese security official and tackled him to the ground.

So it is U.S. policy that its leader walk into the highest government offices of another country carrying with him the means too obliterate them?  My first thought is, what hutzpah.  But I’ll hold off on that until I know what the Chinese and Russians do.  Does Putin or Xi Jinping enter the White House or the Capital building holding his version of the nuclear football and place it on the oval office desk, and then discuss foreign policy with the president of the United States?  

Does the president have his nuclear football sitting on the desk too?  Picture Putin and Trump discussing troop movements in Syria with two nuclear footballs sitting on the desk, each looking to see if the other makes any fast moves.  Or do they play catch on the White House Lawn?  First one to drop the football blows up. 

Or is this a uniquely a U.S. form of bullying?

But it’s also silly and useless.

What government in its right mind is going to stand idly by in the inner sanctuary of its own country while the visiting leader of another country reaches for his nuclear football?  Does the U.S. think the Secret Service can hold off Chinese or Russian security forces long enough for the president to open the football, enter codes, and push the button?  No, they would be stopped dead, and the football would now be in the hands of the enemy.  Perfect.  

Sometimes I wonder if the people who are responsible for thinking up these things think too much and loose all touch with reality and practicality.


  1. insanity is the right word; i've thought for a long time that the race as a whole is insane... observations over the last fifty years haven't dimmed that appraisal...


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