Books of a Different Kind: 1

Books of a Different Kind: 1

Knitting With Dog Hair

First, disclosure: I haven’t read this book, and I won’t.  My excuse is I can’t knit, and even if I could I don’t have a spinning machine.  Nor do I want to make one.  (Yes, the book includes instructions for building a spinner.) Personally I think this takes recycling a bit too far.  But for those who are interested …

The complete title is Knitting With Dog Hair: Better a Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You’ll Never Meet.  So there you have it, the reason -- intimacy -- a way of taking Fido with you to places where Fido is not welcome.  

At 112 pages, it packs a lot of information and includes chapters and sections on

Chap. 1: Why a Dog (What Will the Neighbors Say)  

Chap 2: Collecting the Raw Material (How Much is Enough & Storing the Harvest)

Chap 4: Spinning the Yarn (Making a Drop Spindle)

Chap: 8: Projects (Golden Retriever Scarf)

Chap. 10 Spinner’s Guide to Dog Breeds

This is all sounding too much like work.  But on the positive side, with some experience you can get a job shorning sheep the next time a shorning sheep job opens up. 

There is even a section on allergies, which begs the question: Why would you own a dog if you're allergic to its fur?  Or do you intend to knock on your neighbor’s door with shears and garbage bag in hand and ask if you can shave Spot?

Indeed, what will the neighbors say?  I'm interested in what that section has to say.  Out of context ( or maybe in context) this all sounds a bit psychopathic.  What do you say when a friend says they like your scarf?  Where did you get it?  "Oh, I made it myself from Rover's fur."  Make sure you add that, no, you did't skin him.  Rover is still happily with us.  He just shivers during the winter months but feels so much better during the summer. Friends?  What friends?  

And all this for only $97.99 on Amazon. If you can afford the book, you can afford to buy a scarf.  Maybe more than one.


  1. v. funny, especially the price! there's a world of speculation, unexplored, just waiting to be visited but beware of the dragons and the cliff at the end where the water pours off into hades...


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