Romney the Android

A year late, but what the heck.

We could talk all day about why and how Romney lost the election.  He hemmed and hawed over releasing his tax returns, his foreign policy was an extension of Bush’s, he accused 40% of the population of preferring to live off the other 60%, and he couldn’t attack Obamacare because Obamacare was Romneycare with a makeover. 

But the real reason, I think, most people didn’t vote for him is they didn’t feel comfortable with him.  You can agree all day on policy, the Middle East, global strategic maneuvering, the economy, and health care.  In the end, you have to feel comfortable with the person you are bestowing so much power on, and Romney was never that person.  Just something about him. 

People don’t mention it, but I think the dog affair hurt him a lot.  I know I it hurt him with me.  He placed the family dog in an animal cage and then tied the cage to the top of his car.  The poor dog stayed in that cage for the entire trip, even when traveling 60 miles an hour or more.  Most people wouldn’t treat their pets that way, and the way people treat animals tells us more about their compassion and ability to empathize than maybe anything else.  People weren’t going to place that much power in the hands of someone who could be that uncaring.

When I see Romney I think of a human-like android with all these great features built in, but it’s the beta version and still has bugs.  The android travels around the country making speeches, and most of the time it is fine, but once in a while a bug bubbles to the surface reminding us, “Oh, yeah, it’s a machine.” 

Listening and watching Romney is like listening to a concert in which one of the musicians plays off key now and again but only briefly.  Most of the time the music sounds great, but now and then something sounds wrong; but we can’t quite place our finger on it, and then it is gone, so we think our ears were playing tricks on us.  But the feeling keeps returning. Something just isn’t right.  So it is with Romney.  There is a subtle rigidity about him that feels wrong, even if we can't quite place our finger on it.

So, that’s why I think Obama won.  But now we have a member of the intellectually elite running the show, and like most elites, he thinks he’s smarter than you, and unlike all those who preceded him, he will save the world.  But what were you going to do?  Vote for McCain and then Romney after 8 years of Bush? 


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