Fighting Back With DNA OR That Doggie in the Database

You all know what I’m talking about.  You’ve all stepped in it.  You find it on your lawn or on the sidewalk and often on popular walking and biking trails.  That’s right, dog poop, the scourge of city and suburban living.  HOA’s raise fees to strategically place on grounds dog poop bags and dog poop receptacles.  But many dog owners refuse to use them, preferring instead to leave their pet’s gift where it lies for others to admire.  And who can blame them.  Who want’s to stick his hand in a plastic bag and reach down and dispose of poop with only a sliver of plastic separating hand and poop. 

All of this drives HOA management mad.  So now one HOA is striking back.  Beginning immediately the management of one Chicago apartment complex is requiring their residents to take cheek swabs — no, not that cheek — of their dogs.  Management will set up a DNA database, and whenever an offending poop is found on the grounds a sample will be taken — wonder who has that job? — and matched against their database.  Violators will be fined or evicted.  

Can you see HOA fees and rents rising?  Just another consequence of overpopulation.  And the poor dung beetle, what's he to do?  Move to the suburbs?


  1. A great story--perhaps a bit of over-reacting, but then again, what's to be done with insensitive clods.

  2. A lot of this is my right versus your right stuff we hear of more and more. I think it has to do with overcrowding -- living on top of one another. You live in a rural area this is a non-issue. On the other hand, If you have a house with a yard, and that's where your dog poops, you pick it up (maybe with a shovel) because you don't want your yard looking a mess. But the common area? That's someone else's problem. Human behavior.

  3. I had rather step in dog poop than chewing gum or bubble gum.

  4. So all the point which as you mention i am totally agreed.
    Thanks for your kind information.


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