The Trump Solution -- I Mean the Real Solution

I've been listening to Donald Trump and how he always says "Trust Me" when asked how he will accomplish everything he says he will accomplish.

How will you get Mexico to pay for the wall?  Trust me.  I'll get it done.
How will you create jobs?  Trust me.  I'll create them.
How will you deal with Putin?  Trust me.  He'll listen to me.
etc., etc., etc. ad infinitum.

Big promises with no insights into how.  I wonder how he gets away with this, but get way with it, he does.  The more incompetent he sounds, and the more vicious he gets, the more popular he becomes.  He defies reason and logic, and it's as if I'm living in La La Land.  I fully expect the next thing to happen is the rules of physics will no longer apply, the logic of math will fail, and the rules of gravity will reverse themselves.  That's when we will all be in trouble.

But then I had a brilliant thought: he has a secret up his sleeve, something that will make sense of it all, and one day he will tell us what it is.  And on that day, when he is ready, someone will ask,

"So Donald, how will you get all this done."

And Donald will respond:

Lots and lots of Elves!
I have lots and lots of elves.
And they all love me,
And they are very, very hard workers,
And they know magic.
That's how I filed bankruptcy four times
And came out of it smelling like a rose.
I told them to put a hex on you
And they did
And now you all admire me for filing bankruptcy
And causing thousands of people to lose their jobs.
And I made billions.
And when I get in the White House,
I'll tell them to put a Hex on Putin, and Mexico, and the World,
And that's how we'll become great again.

Trust me!

This is when I expect his approval rating to exceed 100%, and he will be elected, and we will all live happily ever after.

La La Land

PS:  I didn't know we were no longer great until he started telling me were.

PSS:  I can't wait until the wall is built, and the golden "T's" are placed equidistant from one another along the top from San Diego to wherever, and then at nightfall of the first day the floodlights turn on, and we can see the golden "T's" all the way from the space station.  Won't that be a fine picture?


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