Party Strategists

Pundits, columnists, and party strategists.  Aren't we blessed?  They are experts on everything.  They must be, because they speak and write with such authority and command.  One day they tell us we can save our planet by turning Green, and the very next day they explain the pathway to eternal peace in the Middle-East.  What we don't see is they are all reading from the same fax.

Watch a cable news show, and there is almost always a pundit, a columnist, and a strategist from each party in attendance.  Who are they?  Some look to be 18 years old.  What can they possibly know that justifies taking up precious bandwidth?  I could be watching puppies play.  Are these cable stations trolling high schools looking for talent?

How can there be unemployment?  Everyone can be a party strategist.  Call the local cable station, tell them you are a strategist, and then say the stupidest things on TV . . . and get paid for it.  Doesn't matter how ignorant you are, if you are on TV you must be important.  Right? 

I listened to one young genius say, and I paraphrase, "the problem is we haven't caught up with the science.  All we need to do is look at brain scans to determine someone's motives."

This schlock passes as wisdom and knowledge because it was said on TV. 

Boy, they sure are smart.

I think pundits, columnists, and party strategists should run the country.  Except for all the ones who really don't know anything about anything but have learned the art of subterfuge through rhetoric (or misuse science to make a stupid point).  But there can't be too many of them.  Right?

Was it Socrates or Plato who said that when it comes to politics everyone thinks himself or herself an expert?  You would only let an experienced home builder build you a home.  You would only let a surgeon operate on you.  But run your country?  Any idiot can do that.

In Henry the VI, Shakespeare said, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."  I say, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the party strategists."  


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