I Used to Know This Place
I used to know this place. I sit down in an unfamiliar chair at an unfamiliar table. The table set is one of many. They look efficient and modern, with angles and edges everywhere. How nice, i think. It isn't until I start reading a book that I realize how unsuited they are for reading. You see, I like to hold onto the book I'm reading when sitting at a table or desk. This means my arms lie on the table and its edges, but as soon as I do that, the edges cut into my forearms. These are not reading tables. They are sharp, knife-like and unsanded, unfit for reading. There should be signs warning patrons not to touch edges or angles. WARNING!! TABLES ARE NOT FOR READING. To prevent lacerations and unnecessary bleeding, keep arms and elbows a safe distance from edges and angles. I'm at the local public library, a place I used to frequent often but last set foot in at the beginning of the Covid pandemi...