A War, a Charge, and a Nurse.
Crimean War The Crimean War brought us glorious cultural icons such as The Charge of the Light Brigade and Florence Nightingale , but the war itself was brutal. Fought on one side by Russia and on the other by Britain, France, Turkey, and Sardinia, the main causes were religious and economic. Tensions over access to the Holy Land between Catholic France and Orthodox Russia boiled over into riots in Bethlehem resulting in the deaths of several Orthodox monks in 1853. Tsar Nicholas I blamed the "sick man of the empire," Turkey, ruler of the Ottoman empire, for the deaths, and Turkey responded by declaring war on Russia. Britain and France, concerned over Russian expansion and their seizing control of trade routes, sided with Turkey. Human toll (Deaths): Country ------ KIA --------- Wounds ---- Disease British 2,700 2,000...